Young Indian mountain tribes can sleep open eyed: Study
Addressing the news conference here on Saturday, Alec Smart, founder and trustee of MEDIA, said, “It was by sheer accident that we stumbled upon these open eyed sleepers. While researching on how Catnaps improve human efficiency in the afternoons, these tribes didn’t reply to a questionnaire. That is when one among the lot woke up one of those open eyed gentlemen”.
“Serendipity is a fact of life and all discoveries”. he added.
This was especially seen in a group of youngsters aged between 20 and 27, studying a fulltime hilltime course titled MBA (Masters in Bumbling Administration). Students attribute this phenomenon to sheer hard work and practice. “Earlier we used to be chucked out of class for sleeping with the eyes closed”, confessed a student.
“But now we are so adept at MASKING that none recognizes” added another on request of anonymity.
Is it cultivated or genetically modified? The question is still 'coffee Bite' (The argument continues). The study, based on interactive sessions with 240 students in separate disciplines, however brought many more startling revelations, though most of them were hibernating.
It’s also stated that the climatic conditions and a twelve hour rigorous schedule helps in this amazing masquerade.
MEDIA scientist, Uno Journo Kr, supporting the Lamarckian theory of Evolution said, “We are absolutely stunned by this discovery. More funds are being diverted to study this peculiar behavior”.
Earlier it was only the amphibians, aquatic animals and fishes that were categorized in this section. With young humans too in the same bracket, senior scientists attribute this to be an offshoot of the increasing number of work and study hours in human beings. Science is still clueless on the genetic variations this MBA will bring about in the future.
you forgot to add that they are very colorful in nature. :)
Yeah this is an extraordinary phenomenon. The demands for more study & reasearch were not in vain and the initial findings have been published today evening.
According to Italian researcher Suny Bat this phenomenon among MBAs reaffirms Darwin's Theory of Evolution and its mostly applicable for creature's pic clubbed with the article :P
Suny bat is reading my blogs too...:-)
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