The new vision for our future. We announce the re-branding of Darpan as per the market needs, want, desires and demands to www.paagalgay.com … oooops!!!..am sorry Midhun… www.pagalguy.com
We had four options:
1) Revive him (Trying to...)
2) Milk him (Sorry Midhun, not my task)
3) Sell him (Midhun advertised and coaxed a lot of fellow SIMCian’s to transfer him from room No 456, but….)
4) Kill him, (Sorry again, we all love him a lot. He is a man of great quality.)
The packaging challenges faced were not by us, but by the Barber to make him look a little less barbarian.
New techniques employed
We listened to his consumers, errrr… customers…. and differentiated him from the competitor by way of new, clean Bermudas and T-shirts.
Product: Can be used for mass production later on. (Not yet tested)
Price: ‘Cheap’ (no pun intended).
Place: Ubiquitous (can be found everywhere...We don’t know how!!!)
Promotion: Self advertised. (Word of Mouth)
Do help this Ghost Brand gain publicity.
Company heads, tails and also the shoulders above it.
it seems its a production oriented concept it is not a win win situation The CHOOGEN market needs a reactive and proactive market product. A thorough research ought to be undertaken(seek mithdun's help he understands the product better)some houwarsz should be spent on it,the product(Pun intended)and then initiate the mass promotion.
This product is a total failure.....i say sell it to japanese...only they have the capacity to handle this ehhwww product!!!!
Ok Ok.. Now I am getting it. I was damn confused for the last two three days. Rejil has been hailing a guy named as Darpan Majumdar and told me that he is a great partner in the business. I was not damn bothered to ask who is this guy and what is there business?. Surprisingly, day before yesterday I found out that this Darpan Majumdar is supposedly my (also Kausik Misra's)!! roomie. I have no clue about this man and Rejil is talking a lot about him. Now I could club everything like a Sherlock Holmes story.
I saw this guy for the first time yesterday when, I was out for water from the cooler at 3.05 AM, he ws stepping out from Rejil's room. Now I understand that they were in the 'brand revival' discussions as usual, now it has been published...but why I'm in the scene??!!
I have been noting this nocturnal biped making forays into various rooms, esp. Room No. 442 and 452 post 12am.
The identity of this specimen could not be established for quite some time..until a few days back when, opon constant observation and monitoring, it was found that the object in person ventured from his perch from a foul smelling and even more hideously looking cave, labeled Room No 456, on the fourth floor of the boys hostel..
Passersby beware..the product is yet not fully tested, and bugs still do exist.
a special Cell, titled, "Debating Club", has been established to put this Beta product under strenuous conditions, before it is released for mass consumption..
@ Midhun
Boss..Mr. Milkman of Lavale.. You're the Consultant for this Brand Revival!
@ Midhun
You are fantastic man!!
Really like your senseof humor.. :P
@ 'the so called' mamamia
Kedar you better reveal your damn, torn identity and fight like a man :P yes, i'm only the consultant and for other readers info, this 'mamamia' is Rejil's roommate; i.e Third Partner in their business.
Good research Da..
Ab some more hhhourzz aur TMS karo.. And, Rmember, this is the essence of Marketing..
And try to maintain an SDA over the rivals..(though I think this will be a monopoly market!)
Mentioned below are the 'recommendations' that should be undertaken with immediate effect vide clause number '100..' of the revered Aide Memoire:
The brand has to undergo thorough market research and the 'thing' has to be dramatically explained to an extent that aligns with sreehariosis.
The study should include the morphological details of the specimen from top to toe, and an estimation of the potential functionality should follow.
Since we are democratically 'inclined' and not 'obliged', all those who choose to disagree with the above regimen,
It's either highway, or this way ;-)
brilliant man..That comment went in sync with the write up.. thanks
did it prick???:-)
We r planning to place him in Japan fr sossssial internship!!!U help us out:-)
don't forget tht am not staying alone..:-)
Kill him not, let him go...
Kill him, NOt let him go.. choice of the comma is urs...
That ws intelligence personified via a blog.. absolutely impressed with the wit:-)
The above specimen is also an acquaintance of mine albeit a far-off one. Is capable of breaking into bouts of a song about "a 'hole' world".
guys this is outrightly funny and really and honestly I love u guys so much fun and I hope this product will try to bring happiness and smile on our faces. And will certainly sing "I got the whole world, in my hand.." Ok guys dont kill me for that :-)
This is humor personified.Folks this product likes u. I love u guys. Ab to gana sun lo:"We got the 'whole' world in 'our' hand" ;-)
Rejil this is outrightly funny. But we roomies are thinking of defamation against you (midhun included):-)
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