Friday, May 29, 2009

In *case* U *study*

Year 2015

A newcomer enters the SIMC library.

Student: Madam, can you get me a list of books available in this library?

Madam ( Politely) : Sure, just go through the web link on the computer there.

The home page says the following.

This page describes SIMC's list. To see what books are in the list, go to our advanced search page, enter some search criteria, scroll down and click Enter.

The guy enters the following:


The top 12 results come in a jiffy

Sl No ----- Title ----- Author

1 --- PR case study ---- Kausik Mishra & 67 brains

2 --- Strategic media plans in PR ---- Sandip Janee & 67 creative heads

3 --- Personality centric PR ---- Midhun M & 67 braindeads

4 --- Client pitching in PR ---- Kedarnath Tadkod & 67 blanks

5 --- Impact Audit in PR ---- Divyaraj B & 67 Alzheimers’

6 --- Event types - PR ---- Nikhita Arora & 67 flag posts

7 --- Legalities in PR ----- Preetjot K & 67 toys

8 --- Internal Training for PR ---- Aditi Chauhan and 67 puppets

9 --- Fees and Budget for PR ---- Priyam C & 67 flip-flops

10 --- Corporate branding in PR ---- Sahil Chopra & 67 null sets

11 --- Product Branding in PR ---- Robin Raju & 67 voids

12 --- PR Agency research ---- Prateek ? & 67 more question marks

Common tag: Approved by YouCanSee (inside cover – A smiling pen holder )

Concept / ideas – By the author

The boy kept asking himself and wondering the reason behind the numeric 67. There happened to be remarks like 17/20, 15/20, 12/20, 14/20 etc in every page. Then he saw the P.S.

P.S: Order in the search is as per the date of book release (Condition of 67 students also deteriorates in the same order till they all became mere question marks). Marks awarded in 20 (In every page)

He turns around.

Student: Madam, any other standard books in the library?

Madam ( furiously ): No, we keep only in house / institution publications printed at the local press, even if by a sub-standard student ( UG /PG / SIMC Nursery / Crèche – 480 is the standard intake in crèches & Nurseries as the fee is halved), but approved by Mr. YouCanSee inside.

Even for those books, the library space is not enough. Where then do we have the space for better junk? Every student starting from Batch 2010 did all his/her seven projects as published books. Also in the magazine section, you can find some Insights for India & books for some No-Glucose Indians (NGI).

Courtesy: SIMC 2010 & the followers....

The boy booked the next available online ticket to Patna and left happily for home, profusely thanking the library for saving his future.

What happened to those who couldn’t give a case study?

Some wrote about their own pathetic case as a study, thus getting it printed. Some filed a case & escaped a study. Rest got only a brief-case study in door-to-door marketing. Some are still suffering from the disease called case-in-o-phobia or casinophobia. The symptoms found initially were a burning sensation in the skin, revengeful looks, foul language, attacking postures, sweating, jumping & crying without reason etc when they saw phrases like cowshit all over the face, sand-deep in trouble etc in the SIMC inbox.

Friday, May 22, 2009

An interesting PR Case Study

An entry level interview at SIMC. The guy cleared it and is now with SIMC.

Interviewer (I): Take your seat.

Student (S): should I? (Hesitation writ large on his face)

I: (Looks as confused as the guy is) Yes, you may.

The Student lifts the seat to the astonishment of the gentlemen in front. He holds it above his head as if the room is flooded.

I: What is happening?

S: Sir, you told to take my seat and I did.

(Interviewers gulp & take a sip of glucose)

I: Ok. Now SIT.

I: What are your strengths?

S: As you saw now, lifting heavy items with ease is only because of my strength.

I: Strengths otherwise?

S: I can sleep when awake.

I's: Stop stop. Why are you here now?

S: You called me for the interview and then…

(Interviewer is lost)

I: OK, We have a case study now. As per curriculum, an SIMC student needs to complete 7 approved projects by the end of the 4th semester. What will you do if in case you are left with nothing even by the end of the second semester?

S: (Gives a sneer): Since am used to doing nothing, I’ll think till a dumb idea strikes. For example, an idea to collect stories, collate, edit and publish a book. I’ll prepare a proposal so impressive that even the most acknowledged would think twice to reject. Once it’s all approved, SIMC council will be asked to collect fragments from all over India. Also they will be given the task to design the crap...err...scrap. By hook or by crook is OK. Some advertising student will collate and journalism students will edit the text to make it error proof. In this way everyone gets a feel of the work and it gets complete.

I: Great idea. What if they don't have time ?

S: I am a staunch believer in soothsayer Rejil's who said "Don't waste time pass", " All play and no work makes Jill a fat boy"....then " So much of free time that people don't get work" and etc. Else, will tell the council to gift a watch to all from the caution deposit.

I: Good. You go by our ethics. But what will be your individual contribution in the project procedure you described?

S: I will take all the credits without any selfish interests and give it to the Symbiosis Library.

I: Amazing efficiency at work. You have already overtaken any manager in terms of quality. Do you still want this seat?

S: Err… this chair is not too good….a better one would suffice

I: Sorry. We did not mean the chair you lifted now, but an entry as an MBA student in SIMC.

A death like silence prevails for a while before the interview resumes.

I: What are the misconceptions your employee had about you?

S: He always thought that I actually work 8 hours a day, while I was always on the internet.

I: Long term goals?

S: To somehow complete the seven projects.

I: Anything specific value system you were influenced by & which you have imbibed over the years?

S: Once I head Abdul Kalam professing about dreams, the immense power & potential it has. From that day I do nothing but sleep as much to improve my ability to dream in various moods.

(A deep sigh passes across in the interview board)

Sorry, please don’t read more as it’s a waste of time. The guy is in the college.

Anyways, PR students specifically need to rush. Hurry up. Collect your case studies and mail it to the representative. Let the Journo’s edit it next to facilitate the institution add one more to the library.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Aaj ka first e-mail update

This is for my friends who would be thinking - " Why are Rejil's group mails so sarcastic, at times ?"

Honestly, my sarcasm in the e-mails are intended only to those who respond in the following manner.

Read and let me know how not will I be sarcastic ! And let me know what reply you would give?


Find attached the list of students who haven't submitted their seminar paper on/before time.
The defaulters are marked with a "zero" against their name.


Dear Regil

Why do some people have a numeric 1 against their name???
Sorry to bug u again....



Wtf ! means, WHY THIS FARCE ! ! !

God would have killed himself by now and how ?

By jumping from heaven to earth, specifically to SIMC, without a parachute.

Doubting it???

Go climb the ladder (No , surely not the corporate one by asking such questions ), and see for yourself. God would be lying flat on his tummy.

You ask the injured GOD - " Why boss, why did you do this blunder of jumping off the heaven's suicide point and that too minus a chute ? "

He will reply - " I thought of punishing myself for harming innocent souls like Rejil "

You ask - " But God sir, what have you done ?"

Good God says - " I have done a crime by admitting such people in SIMC who bombard absurd questions at random and in continuum. While in the creative laboratory, I forgot to add logic to their brains. Later, even in the factory, I missed the fact due to my carelessness. My fault in entirety. "

You will say - " Yes, Rejil is innocent. It's not just possible to handle a dozen such mails per day, nor is he capable of infusing intelligence or the logical / thinking ability in the span of a year. It should have been inborn, inbred or inculcated. Poor Rejil. We pity you. " ;)

AM I RIGHT BOYZZ AND GURLZZ ? Don't you too pity me like the GOD who jumped off the cliff.

Kill me, not let me go ... there is a comma error... kill me not, let me go.. ! ! ! ;)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Some sample emails.

Three of the sample internship time queries out of a plenitude of queries. All these are emails.


One of them was so excited reading my mail, that she replies.

X: You mean we can e-mail our assignments?

Rejil: I hope u can read and understand proper English. Have I mentioned mail??

X: ok got it. I did not read the entire mail. U can be more polite.

Rejil: I can be. But you must have the basic courtesy to read the entire mail before shooting queries and wasting my time. Then let me know whether I need to be polite or not.



Y: Regil bhai..Plz mujhe social comm aur footprints report ka bhi format bhej de yaar in picture form.

( Neither Aide memoir nor its author had an answer. They stood flabbergasted. Still, I solved ;) )


Z: Rejil, I have a question.

Rejil: Yes, ask me.

Z: I didn't get my saree. What do I do?

Rejil: Contact Geeta Madam or Sheilaja Ma’am. Will give you their mail id’s.

Z: I didn’t even give my blouse measurements. What do I do?

Rejil was quiet, because blouse is something which has to be measured properly... If he gives some tips, he will be misunderstood. ;)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Marketing Proposal

Chapter 1.

How to apply marketing intelligence by Ramshas classes in your daily life !

Boy joins SIMC. First semester begins. A girl sits lazily in one corner. She poses intelligent questions in the marketing classes by Ramshas. The guy in the opposite corner falls head over heels. A small spark is generated. The spark becomes a fire within him for her. It showed in his mannerisms & presentation etc.

In another 60 days, he learns a lot about her and proposes her.

Girl looks down upon the generally unimpressive guy and says: “How did you ever expect that an intelligent girl like me, with so many bees buzzing around with interesting offers, would ever accept an unintelligent proposal from a guy like you? “

The guy ponders and ponders, striking the ‘Le penseur’ pose in most of the classes.


Dear Ms. iloveyou,

I am pleased to take this opportunity, so that you can better see how I would be the best to handle your unique needs.

I specialize in small and medium-sized singles to create an innovative future by coupling to from a pair.

I, failedinlove, had designed almost-fruitful marketing campaigns for nearly a decade. My client list includes girls from the higher echelons to the lowest. I have garnered many awards, including a pair of brand new high-heels, hard bound magazines, price-less stones and et cetera.

Please take a moment to read through my initial proposal for you as my campaign. This will give you an idea how the campaign will unfold through a series of steps.

Should you choose to sign a contract with me, we can immediately begin the creative side of the campaign, whereby we find locations that will help us bring smaller packages (kids) for future purposes. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions you might have. We look forward to speaking with you further.

With lots of business essence,


Lights, sounds, thunder..err..slap...Dishooom, dishooom, dishooooooooooom… curtains down.

Time progressed and by the end of the second semester, the guy too became intelligent. The girl slowly began to have a liking towards him. So she proposed in a romantic style, forgetting that the guy is market intelligent today.


Listen, I had an affinity to you at the introductory stage, where the competition was huge. You ignored me as the demand was growing. While in the Growth Stage , I tried to build my brand preference and increase the market share in your heart. You slapped me as your market share was at the peak. With little or no competition, more retail guys were interested in you. You forgot me. All my promotional activities failed. I waited for you till the maturity stage, so that the sales diminish and competition may appear with similar products in SNAP. Your pricing became lower; still you did not care for me.

Now, during your decline stage, I have several options. I can still accept you; maintain you by possibly rejuvenating with added features and finding new dimensions. But, I prefer, discontinuing the product, liquidating remaining inventory or selling it to another firm that is willing to continue the product.

I prefer to select from the new range of products arriving with PG 2011.Additional costs will be incurred with impression costs, restaurant costs, movie costs, petrol costs, etc but the experience would be fresher.

Thanks for the offer, but since you are late and obsolete by now, I don't have the shelf space in my heart to accommodate you.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Don't wait till decline, new products may eat up your market share and remain the bigger part of the pie.

That’s a Ramshas love story, coming to an end in the second semester.

Last word: The guy continued in the vicious cycle, never getting a proper product as per his wants, needs and desires. Innovation continued. Better products inundated the growing market. They declined his plush offers due to his past ( brand disloyalty factor ). He too continued his quest, ending up unmarried..... ;-)

A lesson for him too. Select even when the product is at decline and try to revive it. Don't let a good product die. :P :P

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

An unfair love..

The photograph fell from the side pocket of his old bag. His fingers ran through her tress. He tried pinching her bubbly cheeks. Flashes of memory filled the evening. To give him the pleasure of leisure, a waft of air played hide and seek. Sometimes it kissed, sometimes not. The erratic composition entertained him. He waited with closed eyes , ready to welcome the next gust of wind. She came with a companion and sprinkled the droplets on his face like magic. Rain was waiting on the edge to pour. He smelt dampness as a next door neighbor. So close, so hearty. It rained. The sheet of water made the immediate frame in front hazy. He reclined. Memories flooded his evening.

“Rahul, the wind is strong. There is lightening in the air. Switch off your computer and come downstairs…” – Mom called aloud from the stairs. Her voice came clear amidst the pitter patter on his roof. The rain was dancing with joy. He drenched everyone on his way. The coconut leaves swayed in unison. Midrib’s channelized the water to an unknown track. The mangifera’s lamented the loss of its flowers. Summer heaved a sigh of relief. The stage was set for a different set of actors. Their part acted with the highest intensity, summer left the arena. The ants scampered for cover. Enough and more saved for a rainy day, the family was happier than ever.

“Rahullll.. where are you? The tea is getting colder.” - mom’s tone lend a different frequency. Ddi it have a harshness attached. He wondered.

“ Just a minute more mom”. He had just met her online. The website had pictures of a thousand people. Unknown men. Women. Girls. Boys. Impersonators. sex-starved. Virgin’s dreaming of first sex. Men in need of women. Girl’s reaqdy to speak their heart out. And an infinite number of more reasons remained.

His conscience whispered. Neither can she see you nor can she gauge your character. Behave. A few days, a few months, play and leave. It had been a habit. The mediums varied. He intentionally didn’t want to break the little crystal, but he wanted to. Her photograph had an aura familiar, yet different. Simple, yet complex. Common, yet charming. The gleam in her eyes transfixed his gaze.

“Rahul, have your tea” – Mom stood next to him, with snacks in one hand and tea in the other.

‘I would have come downstairs. Is dad angry at my absence? “

Mom left without a reply.

One photograph. One tale of unconditional love. And she too never answered his queries ever.

He liked the thrill of living as a someone he isn’t. He gave birth to another individual. He acted. He behaved. A gust of soothing cool breeze left the windows open. The rain sprayed itself to his face, alongside came another sprinkle onto the computer screen.

Rahul woke up and looked around from recline. The computer is no longer here. It’s called a laptop. My Dell.

He still was committed to the sprout of memory. Vividly pictured in them were the initial days where she never gave a nod.

Was she tan, fair or dark? He had asked himself. The only photograph of hers was researched.

She is not too fair for sure. He decided for himself. Unconvinced, the next ploy was to impress her online friends. His patience knew no impatience. One month and some common friends.

This picture is some indoor mobile camera phone. She is fair and more beautiful. One of them had quipped then.

Days grew taller to weeks. Weeks grew stronger to become months. His love grew disproportionately. Curiosity to know more from her was a challenge he liked. Little filaments of love made its inroads. They joked. They shared. They spoke. Time left its cushioned seats for him. They lived their life, full of jokes, laughs, petty differences, arguments, pet names. Frozen seconds needles stood a testimony to the holidaying moments.

The night fell. It rained. The wind murmured romance in the ears of the little leaves. The leaves swayed at the winds tickle. Birds chirped in unison. They too loved the warmth amidst the rains. The nests were cozy. The feathers cozier. A little worm struggled to hide from the invading raindrops. He went round and round the leaf. Wet and slippery he was about to fall. But he didn’t. The little bird found its prey. Food for one, death for another. Elation for one, lament for another. Life’s cycle continued amidst his sightlessness. Night held a veil of blindness, so did his love for her. Her fragrance addicted his nostrils. It nauseated his thoughts. His hands frantically searched for the parker pen he treasured for special moments. The dark blue ink wet his light blue sheet of paper thus.

“I know not the moment when I start liking you, but yes, I did and I do. I maybe early, I may be late; I may be irrelevant, yes... I may simply be the out of question sorts, but I thought I’ll let you know what I have in my hearts mind. I love you. I love you beyond what you think, ahead of your thoughts. I wouldn’t have disclosed it when it mattered most. I would have lost an opportunity. Still, I liked your chirpiness, your silence, your indifference, your joy, your individuality, your talent, your intelligence, and a lot more than you could ever think I noticed. Time sizzled past me and you. If I don’t let you know the moments I loved, I do injustice to the sprout of love I nurtured. I loved you when tears in your eyes were mine. I loved you when the laughter in mine reflected a slice of you. I loved you when you shared your moments of melancholy with me. I loved you when you poured the woe of madness at me. I always regretted the droopy eyed you, who reflected an unreasonable me. I slept with the hope to meet you the dawn that arose. Forgive me if you loved. Forget me if you didn’t…”

The wet nib slid back into its dwelling from birth. In the darkness of its silence, the nib wept. It had a lot more to write, a lot more to share. Hope she values the love in my masters’ words.

First clearance 9:45 AM. Morning posted the letter in a starving postbox. Conflicting ways of life. Snail mails to express a love met online.

He opened the inbox with a faint hope to find her online. Instead, a letter welcomed him. Mailed at precisely the same moment when rains took rest from a rigorous dance exercise. Power had gone yesterday and he couldn’t check his mails. He sweated the same way when rains deserted the night.

The mail read, “Dear, Am leaving India forever. We never met. We may never meet. Just in case I don’t return from this trip, I wish to just let you know that I loved you a lot. A love that trickled in slowly like the water that percolated near your computer after every rain. I knew not when, but it grew in stature. Every moment I prayed, for you to whisper it in my ears. You never did. I loved you when u listened to me. I loved you when u got angry over my carelessness. I loved you when u advised me against my wishes. I loved you every moment, every second. Not a day passed without you dwelling in my heart. Not a moment passed without your thoughts enveloping me. Yes, exactly like the cold breeze you always loved to blanket after the rains. I never wanted to let you know, because I thought it would hurt you. It is a new beginning, a new chapter in my life from yesterday. I got married…. “

He slid the photograph in his bag's side pocket. He was late. The realization was itself too late. The tear kissed his cheeks. He wiped it for a new beginning.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The conflict

The waves lashed the shore.

Yeah, where else can it go? , I ask the little one.

The breeze blew the bird to a different direction. The boats were planning to arrive late. The lights from the lanterns shimmered at a distance.

It’s so near, dada – The younger one murmured.

No, it’s far. So is the oasis of life. But yes, the mirage is near, but unattainable.

Why so?

It is non-existent, that’s why!

If it is non-existent, then how did you know that it exists?

It’s like life. An illusion. You think that the object exists, but no, it doesn’t. You see from your mind’s eye. You create.

"I can’t understand."

See, I will explain. I loved a girl at 21. When life prepared a platform to hold surprises and give results, she disappeared. She left like a mirage. At 24, I liked a girl. By 26, it dissolved…

Dada, I still can’t understand...

I took the efforts and made the younger boy understand with yet another quirky metaphor.

“I had a heart, which throbbed to unite with another feel-alike heart. I did not get to meet a soul so often to merge with my feelings. I saved my love in the little alcove, with a hope that one she would search and like it. I was always hesitant to just give it so easy….”

And then…? the little one was anxious.

“Once she did come to touch the pure little heart of mine. Ripples went through the drops of blood, and the final ripple touched my thoughts. I couldn’t think different. I agreed. But the warmth went missing when the recess was invaded by another hand… “

“Means! I did not understand dada…” the tone tapered as the bigger eyes met the little eyes with disdain. He contained his sense of protest.

“Then, better you leave. I will talk to my self. He will understand me better. He argues. He counters. He tries to differentiate good from bad. But I am the master of my soul. It’s me who decides. I choose what I want to, and not what is right!

I walked to the extreme side of the beach. No tourists loitered. No locals disturbed me with their glances and questions. I stood alone on the farther side of the beach. Solitude had its fun. I sat down to paint a picture of myself. The fingers caressed the warmth of the sand. It dug itself a little deeper. The warmth was the same that he felt when the hands groped her inners in the dark.

Suddenly he took his hands out. Guilt overpowered him, but not me. A shudder disturbed his balance. I fell beside the black crescent. The boat lay lonely. Rendered useless after the last year riots. Muslims and Hindus fought. Love lost in the romance of his beach. No smiles stopped. No sweat toiled to wet the skin. The sand drank drops of curdled blood instead. Past, present to the future. It just happened in a jiffy. People left the shore. So did his little mermaid…

Far ahead, the boats were nearing horizon, with the days catch. Catamarans are a wonderful bet. Someone whispered. He looked up. It’s not the stars, as none are winking in reply to the catamaran’s wink.

“So, is it going to rain tonight?” His question soothed me.

Rains always took me by surprise. The cycle of evaporation had left him awed. The crystal salt I made in school with a hanging thread in saline water was so enthralling. The crystals came out well and I sensed a scientist in me. All he knew was that water was my elixir. Why not? Wasn’t he a Piscean too?

The body and soul lived together or did they wander away as aliens who never met? They had their differences. The cravings survived and won at times. The dejected him stood a mute spectator. Age made him better than me.

The hands swept the sand and the fingers lay tracks for the ants to walk. Umpteen footsteps could be seen on the sand. How many would have treaded the same path again and again. Why can’t they walk differently? He sat thinking wild.

Time is a constrain. I remembered the days he loved the little girl. Age was a factor. But three years…Was it too costly a gap?

He tried convincing her. Yet she had her disconnect.


No! Immaturity. Let’s not fight again. I decided and then she argued over why we shouldn’t fight.

My hands were tiny when I used to come to the same young beach. I grew older. So did he, the soul. The little hands used to collect sand in handful. Some used to spill out. Still the quantity was large enough for his age. A buffer he had for years ahead. Then as life progressed, beach wasn’t a priority. Neither did he prompt me to collect sand.

Now, when no one understood him, the beach did. Like an old friend, a wise enemy, an intelligent partner, the beach smelt of salt.

Rust I will - The beach whimpered. No it was him who was rusting beyond recognition.

My hands picked a handful of sand. The gaps between my fingers had widened. The quantity that remained was the same that the 4 year old could hold.

Life is short. He realized. The lumps of sand easily slipped through. Like my life, outgripped. I knew the days that waited. An hourglass danced upside down. Time tilt its own balance.

I sat watching. Time was not in his glances, neither in my hands. Love he yearned, but unattained it stood. The mirage reappeared.

The little one’s face appeared mired. Her feelings were incomplete.

So was his complete? He guffawed.

Silence. No answers.

He did love her and love her. The simplicity charmed him. The intelligence bowled him. The care attracted him. Now in these final moments, when the calendar refused to flip further, and the boats almost reached ashore, he realized. He did not tell her. He should have once let her know of his love for her. She is now gone. Gone forever. An eternal loss.

His heart knew that some of the best times of my life were the moments spent with her. She would have known that I loved her a lot.

But did I love her? The body still had a conflict over the soul.

She never acknowledged.

Yes, why should she when she knew her destiny and the certain destination. He asked me.

She used to walk him through the shore adoring the breeze. Her scarf used to kiss him at times. The moments gave him joy unbound. The moments when she used to call.

“Can you accompany me for lunch?” her words echoed in the wind that took refuge in his ears.

It was his privilege too, she never understood.

The petty fights he cared not to happen, yet it did. He loved her for what she was, and what she would be. He respected her for the life in her; he loved her confusions, her genuine concerns.

She never understood, she will never like the little boy who went away disgusted.

Life is too complex for her and for me.

“Yes, you are the culprit and not me. You lost her, not me”- Shouted my soul with glass shattering vehemence.

“Will I get her back?” I asked

No, you blunt side of the blade. You won’t. The hour glass has tilted again, but the shaky wind helped it fall. The glass broke. The grains of sand withered away. The wind blew some with it and spread the rest. My hands tried to stop the wind and caressed the grains of sand. Battered and dead, the glass pieces pierced my hands. The warmth is missing and they have become sharper.

“Don’t treat me so roughly. I don’t deserve it.” – The little palm cried out to him.

He stopped. A realization dawned upon him. He told me – “I am also at fault not to have prompted you enough with confidence. I should have convinced you of your love and then her of your love.”

I realize. It’s not too late. The glass pieces are gone. Time is away. But the grains are umpteen and so are the moulds. Choose one. And choose your time. She will realize your love for her, if not today, but tomorrow, or maybe in the next.

With the hope I sleep, an eternal gaze is unwound. Eyebrows rest forever. At last, life stands still , waiting for the final embrace. Dreams achieved, life's purpose unachieved.

No regrets, she would have realized. He consoled me.

Yes, only he remained with me till the last.