Friday, September 19, 2008


Thursday morning wasn't so entertaining for Rejil, with the most unassuming people advising on the pros and cons of the Blog titled Coconaughty. Near the mess, he was seen horrified as if a hurricane swept past him. With the stomach full of philosophy even before the breakfast, he traversed a tough distance ahead. Rejil respects Srihari sir's advice, but won't let his pen stop spitting droplets of satire at will, since what's written is plain truth, twisted differently to let people know the pulse of the campus in a lighter vein.
"Read me as a voice of the batch. Try to be better and do justice to your profession" - that's all what Rejil would say, if asked for an opinion.

For those who find the read beyond their tolerance limits are kindly requested not to read it, OR if their senses find it irresistible to glance, glimpse, gaze and find some flavour suffused are requested to run through the DISCLAIMER placed in the blog from long.

Wait for more in the blog. I haven't quit, nor will I be bogged down until my self dictates me to.


Osama bin Laden, died, June 24th 2008, aged 78, after a fall in his cave.

Laden, born in Saudi Arabia, lived most of his life in Qaeda City, Afghanistan. Once infamous for his flights to the WTC, Laden is succeeded by the next generation of Bin’s, but his spirit continues to live.

He is survived by four wives, 24 children and 48 grand children.

The memorial services will be held at 11:00 am, Friday, June 25th near his parent’s palatial cave in Southern Afghanistan, with the Reverend Obama, officiating. Memorials may be made to ‘The White House’, USA. Arrangements are by Bush Cremation Provider.


Akshay said...

continue writing Regil... Those who dont like reading what you write must just simply stop reading what you always gives one options... and yes for those who have misplaced their sense of humour and ability to take in satire with a pinch of salt will only make fodder for your thoughts... keep writing...weer reading !!

Rejil Krishnan said...

Thanks a lot dear... it's the support from the like minded like you which propels me forward... :) will keep writing and do keep reading...

Midhun Murali said...

You must not quit and I know you won’t do that. I'm one of those lucky and obviously happy guys who would like to be one the 'coconaughties' anytime, In other words 'a proud coconaughty'. I'll be the one who commenting each and every blog of you and this talent of creative writing is exceptional; exceptionally exceptional. Three Cheers for coconaughty and a fourth one for U chettaa :)

Obituary: You kiled the propagator of violence and I killed the propagator of love (in some sense or other) Mr. Bill Clinton ;)

Astha said...

hey rejil...this stuff makes us realize that all of us are really one for all and all for one for suffering through everything but still surviving with broad smiles at the end of the day....(at least most of the times)..:D....all the best and may god help you come across many more of such events in the future also....:)

Blogged in said...

chettaa...dont worry we are all there with you in this sad hour! :P
You keep writing and rocking!! We wil always be there behind you!!

Deepali said...

Yea yea yea..the obituary of laden seems jazzy, but let this blog never see an obituary for itself ;-)

Rejil Krishnan said...

i knw tht i had your obituary many a times..:) but i believe u were happy for it...btw nice terms u hv used.. coconaughties... haha..
Thanks a lot dear..that was a realisation in itself... nice comment...
@Blogged in
Thanks a ton...its this support u gv tht make me surge...
Spl thanks dear...and hope not an obituary too soon, with all my eagerness and vigour i possess... :)

aakriti said...

Hey u can never stop writing ok....u put up watever u wnat on me.....i will never mind...people who mind- just show them ur finger. keep writing..muaahhh..ur 2 gud!

Anonymous said...

This is one of the best blogs EVER! I actually look forward to reading this blog even before I go online for the zzzzzzzzzzillions of projects that we have.
I will continue to read it even though it brings a stitch to the side of my stomach.
Regil, keep writing! And for all the people who have a problem with the blog- DON'T READ IT! Simple as that.