Saturday, October 25, 2008

After Mohenjo-Daro...

Excerpts from Midhun ka son (M-son’s) CBSE history textbook, First edition, 2100 AD.

The greater Lavale region was home to the largest of four ancient urban civilizations of Media - Advertising, PR, AV and Journalism. Most of its remnants, in the form of alumni, still remain to be excavated. The ancient Lavale script, passed in tidbits of answer-sheets has also not been deciphered.

The lavale-Daro’s like the Mohenjo-Daro’s had well planned roads, but without transport. So the roads are in good condition even today. They had ponds instead of wells, because of the multiple reasons and its multiple uses. Humans could swim, bathe, and drink from the same place. Ecological imbalance maintained with frogs, mosquitoes and crocodiles breeding in the same pond.

[Aadimaanav in heaven sighs seeing all the naatak and communicates interpersonally.
Lavale-Daros, Good that you don't have Wells. Nahi tho kab ka SUICIDE kar lete baccche. What a foresight!!! Hats off symbi.]

‘Skeletons from the Lavaleian cupboards’ testify to a continual intermingling of communities from the west, east, north and south of India, not to forget the North East 'so-nines'.

Ancient texts speak of trading with at least two civilizations - SIBM & SITM, dealing with coins and telephone cables.

Candle business was the most proliferating one. During exam nights, Lavale kids received candelabrum at subsidized rates too.

Hearing this being read aloud, Midhun comes out of 5 year comatose and hands over a taped conversation. M-Son plays it loud.

Super-kid: “ Ohh!! S***. [Corp cult( read, corporate culture)], Bijli chaali gayi”

Roomie: “ Bada aaaya laath sahib, bijlini khair khabar poochan waala” (courtesy: Ruhi)

Super-kid: “ Oyeye.. How will we learn for tomorrow’s exam?”

Roomie: ”Waise bhi tho, ‘true or false’ hee aaayega na!!”

(Disgusted Kid prays and Lo!!)

Angel comes in the form of Sreejayan’s wife: “Bete, Candle laga lo”

Super-kid: “Aap kya haarappan ke zamaaane se hein kya?. Candle se aaj bhi Laptop chalta nahi hein!!!!"

Angel: Stumped !!!

Colonel consoles her and conceptualizes ‘CANDLE light dinner’.

(Next day)

Super-kid: Oyeye, I can’t see anything. Am i going Blind?

Roomie: I formally inaugurate the concept of ‘Dry day’. Get water to wash away the soap on your eyes.

Super-kid exits the bathroom to a more EnvironMENTAL friendly design. Kudos!!!

Super-kid is tired and finds another way out, grinds for the morrow.

Subject paper: MEDIA PLANNING

Q: What is copywriting??

Answer: @#$@$%^%^&&**###+@#$%

There ends the day with an OOS...Yes, not OOH !!! OUT OF SYLLABUS. Continue another day. POOR SENIORS. We don’t pity you, cos we too await the guillotine eagerly. Die another day.

Super-KID retires.


The people of Lavale-Daro lived in brick houses that had as many as five floors. Their elaborate drainage, though without water was centuries ahead of their time.

None knows what happened to the Lavale-Daro Valley civilization. It's possible that a great ignorance wave weakened the civilization. The moving knowledge plates that created the MICA and similar institutes may have caused a devastating shift of faculty plates.

AVeologists are continuing to find new ASi-facts. In time, mAD people may learn how Moonshekar learned to create an ancient civilization in the modern world.

The rediscovery was made by Uno Journo Kumar in his 58th stint as director, thus renaming it to the SIMIAN INSTITUTE FOR MASS CONFUSION (SIMC), without altering the acronym for the 90th time.


The chief toy found was a 'Lean man-Standing tall' statue that is some 4500 years old. Just AS it was keyed, it started acting, educating and entertaining the AV-eologists.

Another ‘mute’-ant variant was a toy with the left- hand permanently on the mouth, like the FEVICOL AD.

The next to be dug out was a fast running toy, from one end of the room to the other for half an hour. Mind it!!!

Another dancing toy, though with a little of blubber, was found doing continuous Garba.

One more converging toy was excavated, but is kept in isolation for further investigation.

Final word from 'M-son' on his Dad.
‘ASsignMENTAL’ = ASsigning novel ways to go mental.


Seniors didn't have power nor water in the hostels during their exams.
May your papers 'rust in piece'


Midhun Murali said...

The civilization should be more cultured, at least for archeological studies ;) Loved the toy part! laughed my heart out.

Seniors, we are expecting the same or the worse for our sem exams next year...and I'm sure that there will be more candles and dry days ;) All the best for exams and appreciating your fighting spirit.

PS: If the assignments are mounting like this I'll soon assume the title 'ASSIGNMENTALLY RETARDED' :P

Blogged in said...

You are brilliant...loved the comparison especially the toys part was laughing my head off!!

Seriusly we cam be a unique case-study for future generations on how to lose one's mind and still pretend to function with accordance to deadlines and more deadlines!! :P

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA......I didnt think Id ever laugh at the situation we were in. But I did, thanks to you! Youre the best!!!

Deepali said...


Funnness! :) Continue writing , come what may..;-) LOL

Anonymous said...


"sunine" north east..LMAO!!!

Anonymous said...

Rockin Da!!

Was in splits!!!!!

Great creativity! May you be blessed with this observational acumen for ever!

Rejil Krishnan said...

@ NIcole.-- thanks a lot.. :)
@ Deeps: I will ...
@ Hamsini: HEHE... poor chap
@ Kd: writing makes my day and comments my nights.. :)