Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Major, Minor or SIMC event?

Some people understand a little late in life that they got lime juice mixed with soda powder instead of salt, received 22 carrot instead of 22 carat for their wedding etc.

Similarly, Midhun also came to know of certain truths when he checked the Gtalk list of friends, which reads in the following order.


Swetha S
Annual Alumni Meet 2009

Sushant Kamble
HR Meet 2010

Faisal Siddiqui
Sports Media Meet 2010

FOC 2010

Nitin Kanhekar
DAM 2010

& just as he was about to sign out, a junior came online

GCMC 2010

Event Management in the name of an MBA ! ;)

It is heard that the next year event schedule is already charted in the event-fool college.

New Instructions are written below.

All first letters with 'N' to be changed to 'G'. Else, strictly add a G-Spot to the existing names!
Eg: If it is FOC, change it to GFOC, Zehen to Gehen, DAM to GDAM etc !

This is done by keeping in mind the tradition of going Global or Glocal from local. As a courtesy, the holed Globe, which lay in place of the bathroom tiled fountain, is replenished near a YOU CAN SEE place.

New Global Idiot is also being launched after the hype around the movie '3 idiots'. One out of the three is already identified by the college students. Once the other two are also found, students are sure to receive amazing prizes in the form of a 'Smiling pen holder', 'Rainbow shirts convertible to bedsheets', 'A 24 hour switched on radio with 24 hours non-stop nonsense' etc etc.

So, rush in your entries before Midhun grabs the opportunity !

P.S: A new classification of event known as the "SIMC event" is being incorporated along with the "Major Event" & "Minor event" taught in colleges around the G'lobe.

These are defined in Wikipedia as follows: A set of happenings, which has no definite outcome or purpose, but at least gets done shabbily, with an amount called seed capital.


Naman Saraiya said...


swetha said...

"national" alumni meet :|

Rejil Krishnan said...

@ Crazyspeak - Sorry, I have changed it now.