Billu Shah, the hippie from Chennai got a free ticket. From a city of Nakka Mukka and autorickshaw thieves, this was the first time that a GUJ-BHUJ-BU_JI saw the far away mallu land, also known to the outsiders as Thuffai or Gelf.
Before leaving for the gulf, Billu met a barber, who trimmed him to a furless human looking item.
With Chinki's as air-HOTess & camels on either side of the airport to welcome our long_fellow, the air was full of gall-uping cheer.
Expecting the Chennai airport & railways station style of swarming by the yellow auto bug-gers, Billu stepped down all armed with 50 ps, 1 Re, 2 Re & 5 Re coins to bargain.
With the coins laughing from all the six pockets, the specs clad Chennai Shehen-SHAH searched for the autorick-SHAH’s to bargain.
Awed at the sparkling floors and windows, the already mouth agape billu, slipped into a trance seeing the driver Shaji standing with a board which read -
"Welcome to Mr. Billu".
"Good Morning Sir"
Billu: How much to New Salaka
"10 sir"
Billu who is habituated to bargaining said - "No, take me for 5"
"No sir, not possible"
Billu: Am your guest, take me for 5 or else I will complain
"Impossible sir"
Billu calls up the in-charge and shouts: "How can your driver not take me for 5 when he should take me for Zero !? He still says 10 to New Salaka"
Officer: "Yes sir. It had been 10 miles to New Salaka from the past 50 years. Cannot help it"
Billu: Ohh, miles... !
(While travelling, Shaji and Billu became close friends)
The only thing he found common in 'Movies own Chennai' and 'God's own Gelf', is the expense on water. Billu, as a researcher, instead of thinking about the ways to use water as fuel is already thinking of using water for cooking and oil for bathing, in Dubai & Chennai.
(The travel continued)
After only having seen a SATYAM in Chennai, a lost Billu obviously asked Shaji whether all these huge buildings on the wayside are Satyam theatres !
"No sir, they are all NAIR's teashops"
Billu couldn't believe his eyes, when he saw the same old Nair's tea and Pazhampori clad in yellow suit.
As good at heart the Mallus are, the driver asked Billu - "Sir, can I take you for a ride?"
Billu: (In his mind, underestimating the Mallu Drivers capability in English) Poor chap, doesn't know proper English & is asking a copywriter like me whether he can take me for a ride!
(Ignoring the sentence as a mistake, Billu says with confidence) Why not?
Shaji takes Billu for a ride and when Billu got back to his senses, knew that the ceiling of Dufffaaai airport has beautiful tiles.
The Mallu Shaji had indeed taken Billu for a ride.
Now, staying in Dubai airport without a transit Visa, our Billu Barber is rechristened as Billu Mallu "Sheikh" after he was really shaken by the Mallu driver.
(Someone had apparently told BILLU that TERMINAL was made by Steven Spielberg)
Now "sheikh" is stranded and waiting for Steven Spielberg to make Terminal II, III & IV in Chennai Railway Station.
(Billu like his Director thought that Steven is a budding building architect who makes terminals wherever he goes)
SATYAM ! ! ! ;)
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