The salesman's attire itself is amply laudable. Coat, suit, boot, tie, rainbow colors while treasuring the local flavor in those comical looks, add to the true essence of a brand called Bengaluru.
Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart
An SIBM candidate interviewed in flagship style
…… Introduction and business rounds over, the SIBM candidate is taken to the general round of the campus interview.
Interviewer (I): Would you like to be placed in India or abroad?
Flagship (F): UK is my first choice and then the US
I: Any particular reasons?
F: Indian flag has just too much of ‘mera waala colors’ and one MRF tyre in the middle. But see the British flag, vibrant criss-cross racing from one corner to another, amazing color combination and a positive (+) attitude in the middle…
I: Hmmm…Which are the colors in the Indian tricolor?
F: (Thinks) Tricolor means three colors. (He had once overheard SIMC 2010 discuss three colors and blurts out confidently) -
I: What?
F: I mean colors…R for Red err..Rose, G for Green, B for Blue err..Black…no…Brown… (Thinks aloud) What does this B stand for?
I:Wait, I will give a clue. There are four colors in the flag.
F: FOUR??? (Remembers SIMC and the overheard conversation ) Is it C, M , Y, K ?
C for Charcoal black, M for Maroon, Y for Yellow and K for... K for.... Koffee color....
I: You got the entire palette wrong Mr. Flagship, it has saffron, white, green and Navy blue for the Asoka chakra, and it’s not your Brand MRF.
F: sorry sir, I just remembered the flag clearly. You can ask anything & I'll answer.
I: OK. What is the order in which the colors are arranged in the Indian tricolor?
F: (Thinks again) Blue on top, no no.. green in the centre… hmmmm… why so much of colors, my God!!!
Like a bolt from the blue, the flagship’s eyes open wide and a smile adorns the embarrassed lips. He blurts out with an oozing energy punch.
Just afterwards, Mr. Flagship pumps his fist high in the air as a mark of triumph.
I: How did u arrive at this confident conclusion from a minute back of sheer ignorance ?
F: (With pride reflecting largely as the ego he always had treasured)
I remember the recorded version of SIBM’s Republic day ceremony, captured on camera, by Chanel [V], at Symbiosis, Lavale in 2009.
I: Great, how long had this been happening?
F: Ever since SIBM was born.
I: OK. For your information, I was there at Lavale during the last Republic Day, where the flag was unfurled upside down. If you want to learn how a flag is unfurled with all its dignity, loyalty and respect, wait till the next Independence Day. Watch with open eyes and see how SIMC does it.
The flag consists of three rectangular panels of equal width. SAFFRON ON TOP. WHITE IN THE MIDDLE. GREEN AT THE BOTTOM & A BLUE ASHOKA CHAKRA IN THE CENTRE, with all 24 spokes visible on either sides. Saffron if down intentionally amounts to disrespect as per The Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971.
At least you should have had the audacity to lower the flag and unfurl it again. You won’t be selected in our company as long as you are not in a position to understand your own country and its basic protocols.
Truce. The white flag is shown and the flagship candidate ejects entirely flagging, head hung in shame, pride wiped off the visage, sorry for the country, sorry for himself and deciding to emulate the little big things from SIMC.
N.B: For SIMC - [V] channel covered the beeline for signing the attendance sheet. Poor souls saw the crowd and thought that some scoop sure is in availability. They knew not that in the name of an attendance, SIMC can be held at ransom even on a Republic Day / Independence Day . IRONY !!!
“Itna paisa mein itna-eech milenga”
First International-Saree-Bai Conference Concludes
Lavale, India: The First ever All-Bai-Saree(ABS) conference was conducted peacefully in two separate halls at the same venue. A big rally of SIMC Marcom Mascom workers and a public meeting were held here to mark the culmination of the eventful day of the meri-saree-messy party.
History was created when Bai’s from almost 28 states and 7 Union territories joined hands to discuss the future of brooming err…grooming communication strategies. The day was also marked with the fellow BHAI’s being reprimanded for their unshaven and variously designed moustache and beards.
Lavale turned brown in the evening with large number of SIMC `brown hue guards' participating in the rally that started from near the mess in the morning.
There was a large turnout of sympathizers and Empathisers at the Academic block, including 2009 SIMC, 2009-2010 SIBM, SITM. The venue of the public meeting was thronged by the team, including Registrar for External Affairs, SIMC Guys group and No-to-Education office members.
Bai’s said that the rally was to display the strength of the hues of yellow in the hilltop as the tradition of Saree was being revived in the town after a gap of 10 years. The leaders claimed that nearly 160 brown-draped volunteers were mobilised to take part in the rally.
The public function was inaugurated by Ms. Aarti, Senior Bai of Baichara group, Rajkot. Brown party leader Keerat presided. A special Radio/TV program "Bhai-Bai" was also introduced by Ms. Nautanki on Radio Symbi to commemorate the special event.
The Bai's after the conference.
With the GD / PI lists out, the AD/PR quotas and the rest of the philanthropists are turning busier, trying to churn strategies to help out the young, ignorant chick…err children. The strategic directions may help the GIRLS reach Lavale, but mostly would prove a damp-squib, considering the abundance of innate talent in the philanthropists to importune. Being singly far-sighted, it’s also rumored that coconaughty is in search of a new tender coconut to build up on his lonely profile. (Mallus preferred, as Amma told so)
Example of Philanthropy:
Please refer the SECOND link. The first link stands deleted due to unspecified reasons.
A new column will be amended in the 'Assignments' addendum, as follows and will be notified via all major websites and newspapers. It reads –
Qn 1: Are you COMMITTED?
Qn 2: If yes, from when & are there chances of a break up?
(Singles get preference, considering the number of broken hearts and singles in 2010 PG)
Batch 2010 plans to poach all the available singles from the ‘to be’ 2011 batch, marking the beginning of a bitter senior-junior vendetta, which began last year when 2009 scored the goals and won the bulk of the available fruits.
As the warning letters crossed the number three mark and after all the academic fiasco, CSR took a beating with recession, and his parents were seen alongside. It seems likely that the parents are supposed to take the child back home.
Akshay, the professional charmer in the habit of wooing snakes and dogs alike, is marching into greener pastures with bees becoming his new neighbours. Those girls who are in the CRUSH-ing business are also going to lose out in the race with racy bees- says an unquoted source.
After years of strenuous wait, Cheeboo's eyes got the much needed rest as new neighbors settled a step above his head. They are supposedly thought to be of the silent variety, but remembering Cheeboo's history of wooing honeybees, the day doesn’t seem far when the sting-fling operation would begin. (PICTURES TO BE UPLOADED SOON, BEE IN THE WAITING LIST)
Fungiosis IP wars took a new dimension as Quotha’s frequently multicast ‘question marks’ got a torrent of answers in flat 30 minutes. The responses were showered in profusion from all quarters, leaving the PR packaged balloon punctured and the rest of the parts handicapped. He is recuperating on the 5th floor, brooding over his fate and the moment that made him a multicast-error.
Gone with the wind??? Yes, Almost...
Every Friday evening, 2010 girls have a specified routine. Sleep early and wake up early, for Saturday is a day they love to wear sarees.
The most beautiful Keerat girl goes to college, all decked up in the polka dotted saree. Though imitating the cute Amul girl, luckily doesn’t end up as a hoarding / on a hoarding.
The Saturday routine is as follows
Wake up alarm: 6 am
Morning chores: complete by 7 am.
Sari cladding (A new add-on, unlike metal cladding): From 7:00 am till eternity.
Thanks to the time it takes to wear her saree, Keerat is already late to class and is rushing.
As she walks past the mess minus her regular toast, an earsplitting invitation reverberates in her tympanum.
Keerat turns back and looks at the distant figure nearing her. (Long shot)
The lady comes near, panting hard, she shouts
Kya oyey ladki, time pe aaati tho nahi. Uper se bhaag kidhar rahi ho..??
Keerat: Aap koun?
Lady: Arey, mujshe kya poochti hein…. (Keerat begins to get worried, clear on her forehead with the quantity of sweat droplets born in a moment )
(The lady continues): Mein idhar hostel mein pocha karne waloon ki director hoon. Tujhe Babu sahib ne bheja hein ki nahi?
Keerat : (lost in the wilderness) Koun Babu sahib…?
Lady: Arey, wohin jisne tujhe idhar bheja hein, mess hall ka pocha karne…
Keerat is exhausted, not understanding how she could ever be mistaken for a local BAI.
Lady (continues nonstop…): Humko pata tha tu aayegi nau baje ko heee. Late aur upar se poochti hein aap koun!!!…sharm nahi hein kya...le jhaddooo…shuru kar safayi…. Aur tera yeh uniform jo hein na, achi dikhthi hein…apne BAI logon ki union ne dijieeen (Design) ki thi, chaaar saaal pehle. Tab mein ek choti si ladki thi….nannha sa, pyaara sa... (and becomes nostalgic)
Keerat tries to escape from the mistaken identity, blaming all on the polka dotted demi-Gods.
Suddenly Shiffy runs past swiftly, holding to the saree more than her dear life.
BAI sees shiffy, & comes back from the reverie: Oyeye, itne logon ko kyon bheja hein babu sahib ne ??? !!!
By the time she is wondering and pondering, both of them escape to the academic block.
Curtains down.
The words come in dissolve.
And the jingle follows...
You come..
with eyes sparkling and smile scintillating
with voice lilting and long tresses mellowing
you come… my lady… in a saree..
and I wail beyond the control of my senses,
where have you lost your beauty dear,
how have you lost your beauty dear….
On the notice board:
Special classes will be held every morning to teach girls, as well as interested boys, on how to reduce the lead time wearing a saree. An assignment will have to be submitted by the semester end, where three different sarees are to be analysed for their material, ease of use, color, design, polka dot size and etc etc etc.
Impossible you say?
Not at all... SIMC analogies have proved it & they are currently bidding for an award for excellence in challenging a students’ explanation to some incoherent, illiterate n illogical query.
Team Kochi mails the Director in November, detailing on how they suffered since the mementoes were received on the event day afternoon, certificates and uniforms a day after the event.
A shower of incoherent sentences follows from the office. Neither do they apologize, nor do they ensure that this won’t happen again. NAAC, you see!!! All stars and grades now. Not just that, they get time to find fault with the student who mailed with a request to ensure that the same issues are not repeated with other teams.
Every possible person with a little of sense remain quiet. Why purposely make your hand dirty with slush, when slush is about a mile away?
An agitated office succeeds in marking that person’s name for an inquiry committee in February.
So November bites & February scratches.
We consulted a doctor. He speaks, “it’s due to a delay in reaction time.”
Reaction time: Elapsed time between the presentation of a sensory stimulus and the subsequent behavioral response.
Causes of a Delayed response
Premature Sign's of ageing
When in an inebriated state.
The last reason is the simplest.
(Forgetting to understand that the student is the bread and butter of any educational institute and hence they need to be respected)
So, beware SIMCians! There are chances that the first semester mistake or the petty crimes you committed be charged in 2011 while you will be working.
Nahi? Then Kya? Okok..now it’s clear…WE THE FOOLS …is it?
Accepted. Endorsed. A+++ in BARK. No, No, not another word to shout.
Grammatical error???
Not at all. It’s an acronym, which means Brainstorming Against Rejil Krishnan.
Courtesy: Thanks to Akshay Brijkrishan for the brilliant spark in an analogy - Mosquito and Itch - The duration.
Dadu, fondly called by the ham-buggers as Khau, visited the SIMC library after a prolonged gestation. Welcomed by the three librarians with library cards and the day’s newspapers, the event brought tears to the eyes of regular library goers. The annals of the Symbiosis history marked this incident in golden letters with one more “First time in the history of SIMC”.
Yet, Dadu claims that he always yearned to be a part of the library. The only issue was that he could never figure out the exit. The claustrophobic feeling of being trapped, juxtaposed with the fear of death, amidst the bibliophiles, kept him away. Rumors are rife that Dadu kept away, since a myth in Jamshedpur says that, being among a lot of books would increase heat and hence hair fall.
· DM’s digestive system doesn’t have a stomach
Communication classes turning analogous to the long forgotten Biology classes, were a whiff of fresh air. As always, maintaining the leisure of mis(s)communication the human digestive system forayed from the Oesophagus to the small intestine and large intestine, inviting the bile juice, salivary glands and pancreas to work elsewhere. DM says, “This analogy where the stomach wasn’t mentioned is not a mistake, but a purposeful method to inform students that information isn’t digested, but thrown out as it goes in, due to lack of necessary equipments” . Wah !! wah!!
· Advertising students get a five minute bonus. 30 minutes turn to 35 in Sem two.
The New Year was ushered with cheer and goodwill as CS sir’s resolution bore wings. As the duration of the advertising class increased from 30 to 35 minutes, students heaved a sigh of relief. Though only a marginal increase, students were hopeful that by retirement, the Ad sessions would become 90 minutes, calculating at a 5 minute per year rate.
· Battle of ILL-LUCK-NOW comes to an end. Mirror cracks.
The blood bath that ensured that the entire symbi community, including the board of directors losing their sleep, has finally ended. Ill-luck chased the philanthropist with much LUCK. NOW that blood is perceived to be past, the mirror shattered into pieces. The term “Hoax call” is today being acknowledged and accredited by the
NB: Only the Symbiosis founder and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minsiter escaped the mirror call, as their mobiles were switched off.
· Yellow spreads in the mess.
After two stretched months of dormancy, yellow returned to the mess in style. The tinge had a special significance this year too, since the white curries also have turned yellow. SIMC buzzes in chorus - The Jail-in-wala ‘Mess’acre continues.
· SIMC arrives, Coffee Smiles
· ASid storm strikes Mirrors
The much awaited Footprints was conducted successfully and ASid sir wore the old garb of condescension, reminding students of the good old shivering days they had in the summer of 2008. “Seeing him wear the 4 month old attire was indeed wonderful”, commented some bigwigs.
After ASid storm left the classroom, a cracked mirror was found untouched for fear of another Hoax Bomb call.
After torturing the inmates and staff of various NGO’s, SIMC soldiers returned from their respective camps located in various quarters of
NB: None of the soldiers could return their guns. It’s highly likely that the guns were stitched along with the wounds inflicted to the NGO’s underbelly.
· The great internship hunt begins
Phase II of the great internship hunt began in Lavale. The aerial view to the city from the communication college cut off from civilization, would give enough of internships, opined the seniors.
Dear mom,
Reached safe and on campus now, thanks to those new directionless signboards, one of which pleads us to be horny as we climb up. Amazingly we have humps at every hair pin bend, maybe for the sharp curves to rise steadily.
The BTL aka Back To Lavale activities have already started. By the way, momma, BTL is a Chandrasekara jargon which chiefly includes ASsignments and ASid tests.
These days my class is receiving a lot of “Eyeballs” from those poor ‘In the barren-land’ guys. The rapid eye to ball movement is treated in an ambulance minus a driver, parked to enhance the beauty of the campus. The ambulance gives out a positive vibe that public are getting enlightened about our mess and food. Dr. Combiflam still exists in white and white. The response rate per click for girls is also more when compared to the October season.
We poor SIMC’ians were caught unawares when recession had impacted the small time shopkeepers in Lavale. The closer interdependence of both genders and their sudden departure is cited as the major reason.
And tell dad that most of our campus problems are solved. For amusement, the college has started a scooter park near the car parking.Presently we have a swimming pool, which operates when we are in the class and shuts shop once we are free; so that no parents need to worry that their child is drowned. Also all the frog-houses are replaced with hyacinth Arya’s. All the devotional books are replaced with aide memoir's. Not just that momma, some of my journo friends are planning to change their religion to ASism as the 'warning' prashad is available only at the beginning of each semester. Also since this God seems reachable after his subjects left their footprints all over the country.
Also mom, forgot to tell u that I have changed my research topic to “how people can ‘drive slow to reach faster’” at Lavale.
I promise that I will learn and reply in Hindi next time. Scratchy is a little sad as there is growing competition to his dirtiest habits from my roomie. Rest of the dog's are still committed. Am trying my lavale best via pagalguy.com to recruit some new species as your daughter -in-Law'ale.
With love,