Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Walking Questionnaire

A simple short story from SIMC

The great DB collects HTML assignments from PR

One great lady, THE WALKING QUESTIONNAIRE, calls him & ASKS as her habit is- "DB, Can I mail you the assignment ?"

DB -"Yes, you can"

The Walking Questionnaire - "DB, can you please tell me if you got it? If not, can I IP you the HTML assignment ?"

DB -"Better if you can IP me"

As amused as DB can get, he finds the HTML code copied and pasted in the IP window

(DB goes bonkers and advices her to IP a New folder)

Even before the blink of an eye, there comes on IP a folder titled - "NEW FOLDER", which to DB's surprise is empty.

DB becomes the sitting questionnaire and asks -"What is this for? What purpose does this empty folder solve?"

The Walking Questionnaire - It's you who told me to IP a NEW FOLDER. Now why are you asking me so?

DB accepts defeat and says - "Madam, please zip your files and IP it"

3-4 minutes pass and DB becomes anxious with a no response

Suddenly one IP window POP'S up with a zipped folder

A more than happy DB jumps in joy to have been successful in communicating the message properly. Before he lands on the ground, another zipped file comes and yet another and another. It stops at 5 zipped files and DB opens one after the other to find each picture of the HTML as a single zipped file.

DB stops asking anymore questions and unzips each of it, compiles all of it in the generously donated NEW FOLDER and submits to Dharam sir.

(20/20 DB for this effort and the walking questionnaire still continues her walk with truck loads of pregnant questions to give birth to)


Midhun Murali said...

How generous for her to create a new folder and sent it to db? :P Otherwise he wud've struggled creating a new folder for hours. And you forgot to mention those 112 IP pings and 27 calls she made in 1.5 hrs :P

As an eye witness I pray to God to free db from all the sins and hail him as a holy soul. He had gone through third and fourth degree tortures!!

Richa said...

I really thought people were taking my case when this story came to me second hand. I know the lady and her ways, but this... I don't have words, man!

Karan Rajpal said...

This is akin to someone being caught with their zip open, and being questioned about it.

May god bless you and your questmates.

PrAgAtI said...

very well written Regil.. nt difficult to figure out who this question mark is?


and Midhun you kept a track of how many pings and cals she made!!whats UP da!!

akshay said...

DB ask for a project status for handling her.....