Saturday, August 8, 2009

Midhun and the flu

TIMES NOW flashes a lot of news like "Symbiosis colleges closed in Pune. Swine flu threat intensifies"

Midhun is immune to Swine flu's since he had been with one in the earlier semesters.

Anyways Midhun gets a call from his dad who asks out of the blue, obviously tense -" Moneeeee, are you sick? "

Midhun's eyes pop out. How did dad get to know my well guarded secret ! He wonders.

Still, without hesitation, & courageously he asks - "Dad, where from did you get the information?"

The channels are flashing it across from the past half an hour.

Midhun goes in a trance- Ada paavi ! ! ! Who leaked the news? Rejil ? Kedar ? Db?

Ohh.. he thinks wild.. a 100 faces go in the whirl created by his mind.

And dad quips again - 'moneeee, Why are you quiet ? Are you really sick?"

Midhun with all his humility replies - " No papa, Am still the same old Nair I was. I will convert only if you permit"

Dad wonders like he did in the first semester - "Does this Swine flu affect the brain too? ? ! I don't remember reading it anywhere ! !"

If you are sick please come home.

No dad, am still not a Sikh. I love Kerala, the fish fry, the omplates, the porottas, the kappa meen and also the puttu kadala that amma prepares. I heard that we don't get all these in Punjab.

Dad is heard lamenting with mom's whimper at the background - 'Ayyo, our son is gone with the wind again"

Students please note: Anyone who can contribute PJ's can drop it at MM Publications, Box No: 143, Kottayam, Kerala.

No offence intended to Preetjot aka PJ or to MM aka Midhun Murali ;)