Thursday, February 11, 2010

Views & News

Coaching Classes in digging one's own Grave

The PR student, DREAM-NIL SING, who woke up from a long coma after the third semester has decide to coach people in digging one’s own grave. The best part is that she does it without a pickaxe.

The student who is brilliant in copy pasting anything and everything is now in high demand.

Fees charged by her coaching class will soon be regulated by a committee to be set up by the student governance in the next few days. “We are taking the legal department’s help for this,” said a student.

Mirror Majumdar continues

In a function organized by Rural Relations, while, Aadarniya Rezil was awarded with a coconut and a red rose, Mirror Majumdar continued numbering 1, 2, 3 and A,B,C’s much to the amusement of the poor souls. This gesture is seen as a prelude to entering ‘pure Hindi’ politics along with a certain ‘Question’ Mark in the Congress. Adraniya Rezzil has decided to use the red rose at least this V-day and thinks that this is a signal to fall in the web of an elusive, deceitful love. His fingers had been crossed from then and now are cramped.

‘You Can See’ Placed

The latest news to hit papers is that Mr. You Can See was placed during the SIMC placement week of 15th to 23rd of Jan 2010. “I will make ISB & M the best event management institute in the country by 2011 and conduct BOC or BEST O’ COMM every year without placements” – said a press release.