Some humor in life can be left alone, while some need to be noted.
Taking an excerpt from one of the last official mails from college.
It reads -
2) At University Campus :-
Immediately after reaching University Campus at Lavale, Please proceed towards the SIMC Academic Block - Room No. SO3. Collect your gowns and lunch coupons from SIMC staff member.
# All the candidates can collect the packed lunch from the Food Stalls against the coupons issued while collecting the gowns.
First query from a few students - What about lunch for our parents?
No blame on the question as our esteemed college has taught us to enquire about the silliest of questions. Because who knows - The security might ask you to prove at the gate that the man and woman with you are your parents !
My answer is - Nowhere is it mentioned that lunch is complementary. Coupon might mean an advance bill like in some brahmin hotels in the south. So keep the cash and the change, lest you might get a rotten smile as balance.
Kindly also note the point that those who have coupons get a gown as well. Means more reason for parents to take care - Be hungry or else get some biscuits or bread along. Don't expect any butter as we ourselves have fought for the 'Right to Butter' for long.
Another excerpt from the same mail
All Gold medal awardees are to assemble near SIU office for the official photograph with Chief Guest by 11.00 amAfter convocation, Collect your certificates after depositing the gowns at the respective classroom no SO3.
Without depositing the gown and cap, certificates will not issued. (Note the grammar please)
The Gold medal winners are sure to have a question - " Do we have to deposit the gold medal as well for getting our certificates?"
Hope not is the answer. A last moment circular might be on the notice board which reads, 'Without depositing the Gold medals, degree certificates will not issued.
Trying to remember a similar experience or read?
Yeah...Right ! Exactly like those last moment mails which ask - 'Mail the names of your parents within 48 hours' (Reads like the last minute surrender notice to militants before bombing the entire house)
Student: Why sir?
Because it's important to mention on the transcript and degree certificate.
Student:But why was it not told earlier?
We wanted the updated details. So thought of collecting it late.
Oh Jesus ! (A cry followed by a loud sound) Thud ! (Chief guest swoons and falls on the floor)